Very Good State

Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition

Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition

Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition    Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition
Seven days and four Thursdays. 18 cm x 24.5 cm. Paris Saint-Germain des Prés Bookstore 1971 edition. 18 cm x 24.5 cm. Poems by Jacques Baron with author's dedication to René Lacôte.

Without the illustrations announced on the title page that were not printed; very good condition. Other books from our catalog. Financial Policy - Conversion and Amortization. The diary of a masseuse.

Nini La Chance Program - Annie Cordy. 23rd National Congress of the Socialist Party (French Section of the Workers' International) May 23-24-25 and 26 Clermont-Ferrand - Reports from the Permanent Administrative Commission.

Six little ducks in the pond. New Program for the Waters of the Park and Gardens of Versailles containing the Description of the Park, Gardens, Statues, Vases, Groups, Basins, Fountains, Baths, Alleys, Parterre, Terraces, Groves, Terms, Halls, Quincunxes, and Lawn Carpets, with de.

Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition    Seven Days and Four Thursdays by Jacques Baron Very good condition