Very Good State

Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition

Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition
Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition
Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition
Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition

Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition    Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition

Solemn distribution of prizes at Saint Louis School - 1936-37-38. Canon Aubry (under the Presidency). Very good condition, beautiful handmade binding, original covers preserved (some inscriptions on them), excellent holding. Saint-Louis School of Brest, three prize booklets preserved in one bound volume.

Other books from our catalog: TTX 75 chez les grecs. Notions de géographie générale le monde première année. Cours familier de littérature tome huitième. Le concile dans nos paroisses.

Le consolateur ou pieuses lectures adressées aux malades et a toute personne affligée. Romans populaires n°168 ce pauvre mr daine.

L'unite D'un Homme- Entretiens Avec Dominique Wolton.

Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition    Solemn Distribution of Prizes at Saint Louis School 1936-37-38 Very good condition